Award Nominations Sought for 2025 Champions for Children in Livingston County

LACASA Center’s CAP (Child Abuse Prevention) Council and Great Start Livingston are asking Livingston County residents to consider who are Champions for Children in our community.

Nominees may be people whose support for children and families is evident in the work they do, or, in the way they spend their extra time. The winners could be individuals who volunteer to mentor children, provide a safe foster care home, or advocate for vulnerable kids. Past recipients have been educators, coaches, public employees, foster parents, child care providers, and community volunteers.

More than one winner will be chosen to recognize the many ways the community is active in supporting children and families.

To nominate an individual or agency,

Award Presentation: The people chosen as the 2024 Champions for Children will be recognized at the CAP Council’s Plant a Pinwheel Celebration at the Howell Carnegie Library on Thursday, April 3, to kick off National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

The CAP Council is a program of LACASA and is a designated local council of the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund. CAP programs are funded, in part, by the Livingston County United Way.

The Great Start Collaborative of Livingston County is a partnership of early childhood experts, parents and community organizations who work together to ensure that Livingston County children are prepared to succeed in school and in life.