Families play a critical role in the healthy development of their infants and young children. Great Start Livingston recognizes the value and expertise of parents & families. The Great Start Family Coalition supports efforts to engage, empower and recruit parent & family leaders.

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Families play a critical role in the healthy development of their infants and young children. Great Start Livingston recognizes the value and expertise of parents & families. The Great Start Family Coalition supports efforts to engage, empower and recruit parent & family leaders..


The playdates are a great way for parents & families in Livingston County to meet other parents & families with young children in the same stage of life. It also helps young children burn off some energy, meet and interact with other young children.  The playdates are not structured and allow for organic conversations and connections to occur between families.


You are invited to join us!

The Family Coalition is open to all families/caregivers in Livingston County raising young children. We are a welcoming and supportive group of parents & families learning alongside one another to strengthen our community and individual parenting journey.

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved including, social media channels, attending a meeting, joining a subcommittee, volunteering, parent leadership opportunities and more!