‘Champion for Children’ Award Nominations Sought
Hello Livingston County community,
LACASA Center’s CAP (Child Abuse Prevention) Council and Great Start Livingston are asking Livingston County residents to consider who is a Champion for Children in our community.
Nominees may be a person whose support for children and families is evident in the work they do, or, in the way they spend their extra time. The winner could be someone who volunteers to mentor children, provides a safe foster care home, or advocates for vulnerable kids. Past recipients have been educators, coaches, public employees, foster parents, child care providers, and community volunteers. The winner will be presented with the award at CAP’s virtual Plant a Pinwheel Celebration on April 7.
The nomination process is very simple. Please complete the attached nomination form or and return it along with an any additional letters, notes, or nomination materials to capcouncil@lacasacenter.org. You can also visit the website below to access the nomination form and additional award details. Nominations are due by Monday, March 22.
Holly Naylor
Director of Family Prevention and Education
Child Abuse Prevention Council Coordinator
Healthy Families Program Manager
Office 517-548-1350
Help Line 866-522-2725