Extreme Cold and Carbon Monoxide
Bundle Up!
Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme weather events. Extreme cold, heavy rain, snow and ice, and heat waves can impact health. Of course, you are doing everything you can to keep your loved ones warm, so keep safety in mind too. Improper use of generators or other fuel-burning devices can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. In addition to physical injury, such events can impact mental health and well-being.
The Fall and Winter Climate Health Resource Packet and the Cold Health and Safety Factsheet from the Michigan Climate and Health Adaptation Program (MICHAP) give recommendations for staying safe from winter hazards such as hypothermia, frostbite and carbon monoxide poisoning.
We encourage you to share these resources with your communities.
To receive email updates, subscribe to MICHAP news onGovDelivery (URL: bit.ly/MiCHAP-news). Additional information on climate health hazards can be found at the MICHAP website at Michigan.gov/ClimateandHealth.
For questions about this program, contact: Carolyn Koch, KochC@Michigan.gov.
Wishing you a wonderful start to 2025!