Children with disabilities can visit Potter Park Zoo for Free with FALCONERS Program

Potter Park Zoo in Lansing has a program called FALCONERS, which is designed to allow children or adults of all ages with special needs and unique challenges (such as autism or developmental disabilities) and their whole family to have an enriching educational experience in a safe, welcoming and sensory friendly environment.

There will be one sensory friendly event in Lansing, Michigan per month throughout 2023.

  • All monthly events are free
  • Inclusive for the entire family/support group
  • Each session includes hands-on stewardship activity (weather dependent)
  • This program will be shared with other institutions in the community

The sponsor of the FALCONERS program is MiABLE, who is dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities maintain their health, independence, and quality of life without jeopardizing their benefits.

Check out this page to learn about upcoming events.