FREE Summer Learning Resources from The Michigan Learning Channel
The Michigan Learning Channel’s 8-week summer program has everything kids need to continue building their brains and learning key concepts that will help them succeed in school. From preschool to 6th Grade, each grade has 2-3 hours of video lessons per week, plus a fun and interactive activity book. Local events and special broadcasts around our 8 weekly themes help pique kids’ interest. All programs are available on broadcast television and on-demand online.
For detailed programming information, see the Summer Schedule.
Weekly themes include:
- June 19-25: Animals
- June 26 – July 2: Across America
- July 3-9: Sports and Games
- July 10-16: Engineering
- July 17-23: Our Stories
- July 24-30: Great Lakes Week
- July 31- August 6: Around The World Week
- August 7-13: Space
The Michigan Learning Channel (MLC) is a statewide public television partnership offering instructional content to support the education of students and to provide alternative resources for families and teachers.