Michigan State University Extension
Child and Family Development May Offerings
MSU Extension has a wide range of free online classes for parents and caregivers of children of all ages and early childhood professionals. See below for our May offerings!
Please reach out to your local Extension office or find a Child and Family Development team member near you!
Follow our Facebook page for more information and resources at MI Stronger Family – MSU Extension.
Extension Extra’s Parenting Hour
These free online parenting workshops will provide guidance for parents of children as they navigate the challenges, concerns, and joys of parenting. Participants may register for as few or as many workshops as they wish. The workshops are on Tuesday evenings from 8:00 to 9:30PM EST as follows:
Class dates:
5/07/2024: NO CLASS
5/14/2024: Unlock the Conversation: Gun Safety for Parents
5/21/2024: Mindfulness for Children
5/28/2024: ABC’s of Early Literacy
Class Times: 8:00PM to 9:30PM
Registration: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YboL-GkQT522eCkEf_qxaQ
Parenting Series
Guiding Principles for Highly Successful Parenting
Are you wondering how to gain greater cooperation from your children? Struggling with chores or routines? Not sure how to handle discipline issues? Join us for this five-week parenting education series for parents with children of all ages will explore developing routines, emotional control, rules and relationships, and being a calm, assertive parent. Certificates of attendance are available.
· Class Dates: Mondays, April 22,29,May 6,13,20
· Class Times: 7:30pm-9:00pm ET
· Register at: https://msu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0VpZf3ks77yZZGu
· Attached is a flyer and graphics for social media
· For more information contact Courtney Aldrich at aldric82@msu.edu
· Class Dates: Wednesdays, May 29,June 5,12,19,26
· Class Times: 11:30am-1:00pm ET
· Register at: https://msu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0VpZf3ks77yZZGu
· Attached is a flyer and graphics for social media
· For more information contact Courtney Aldrich at aldric82@msu.edu
The Parent Talk System
Do you feel like the children in your care aren’t listening to you? Do you find yourself constantly repeating yourself trying to gain compliance? This 6-week series is for parents and caregivers of children of all ages and is designed to improve communication and provide practical verbal strategies for raising confident, caring, responsible children. Topics include eliminating unwanted behavior, setting limits, teaching about consequences, giving effective feedback, promoting independence, and developing character. Certificates of attendance are available.
- Class dates: May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13, 20
- Class times: 7:30pm-9:00pm ET
- Registration: https://msu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bj8nWuROCeXu6vY
- Attached is a flyer and graphics for social media
- For more information, contact Courtney Aldrich, aldric82@msu.edu
Kinship Caregiver Classes
Kinship Caregiver classes are targeted to relatives caring for another relative’s children.
5/8/2024: Introduction to Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences(PACES)
· Class Time:7:00PM to 8:30PM
· Registration: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_msxyZuH0QeS9MsKaD_y7Tg
· Attached are flyers and social media graphics for these workshops
· For more information contact Courtney Aldrich at aldric82@msu.edu
Building Strong Adolescents
Are you wondering how to help your teen succeed? How to have tough conversations? Or how to set limits while still encouraging independence? This 5-week series for caregivers of youth 9 and up will address strategies to promote growth and success, including setting limits and using consequences, encouraging positive friendships, fostering independence, building self-worth, discussing substance use and sex, and helping your teen value education and plan for the future. Certificates of attendance are available.
· Class dates: May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28
· Class times: 11:00am-1:00pm ET
· Registration: https://msu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_85DU8Mc01G0H2DQ
· Attached is a flyer and graphics for social media
· For more information, contact Courtney Aldrich, aldric82@msu.edu
Early Childhood Professional Development Classes
These free online classes provide professional development training hours for early childhood professionals. These classes are eligible for MIRegistry Credit! (See more offerings for professionals at the end of the note)
Title: Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Science for Young Minds
- Class Date, May 16, 2024
- Class Time: 7:00PM to 8:30PM
- Registration: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aLmFlhzSSdyvnYO_BUl-Mg
- Attached is a flyer for this workshop.
- For more information contact Vivian Washington at washi138@msu.edu
In-Person Workshop: Including All of Us
Including All of Us is an intensive training to provide an opportunity for child care professionals to learn about issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in early childhood. Including All of Us includes group content, where early childhood professionals can explore their own beliefs, worldviews and understanding of issues surrounding diversity. Participants learn about ways they can incorporate anti-bias education into their work with young children and create environments of equity for all children. Ensuring that child care environments are high quality, equitable and inclusive will help build and nurture social emotional competencies and prepare children for success in school and in life. Including All of Us provides an opportunity for teachers to practice self-reflection and develop an awareness that will have a positive impact on their teaching, child care skills, and family interactions.
This in-person, free program is six hours in length and can be taught in one six-hour session or two, three-hour sessions. The program is approved in the MiRegistry system and completion certificates are available.
- To schedule a workshop at your location, contact Vivian Washington at washi138@msu.edu
- Flyer is attached
Online Self-Paced Classes
These free online classes can be completed on your own at your own pace.
Building Early Emotional Skills for Early Childhood Professionals: Building Early Emotional Skills (BEES) for Early Childhood professionals is an opportunity to learn more about how children develop important social emotional skills, and how you can help them learn to understand and express their emotions appropriately. This course is online. It is expected to take approximately one hour per week to complete the course content. This training is approved in MiRegistry for 8 hours. Spring course begins on April 15, 2024. Registration will run from April 8 – April 21, 2024.
- Registration: https://www.canr.msu.edu/building_early_emotional_skills_in_young_children/online-program-for-professionals
- Registration won’t open until 4/8 but you can follow the link to add your name to the notification list, and you will be sent an email when it is open officially.
- For more information contact Kendra Moyses at kmoyses@msu.edu
- This class is eligible for MIRegistry Credit!
Positive Discipline: Helping young children learn self-control is important to their ability to be successful citizens now and in the future. Positive Discipline workshops help adults learn how their role in creating appropriate environments and experiences can strengthen that development. This class has a “parent and caregiver” track and a “professional” track. Certificates of attendance are available for all who take the class and professional development training hours are available for early childhood professionals. Credit in the MiRegistry system is available.
- Registration: https://www.canr.msu.edu/courses/positive-discipline-online-course
- For more information contact Courtney Aldrich at aldric82@msu.edu
- This class is eligible for MIRegistry Credit!
Infant Safety
MSU Extension has partnered with the Livingston County Child Abuse Prevention Council to create a self-directed online infant safety course called “Sleeping, Crying, Driving.” This three part course contains videos and interactive content on infant safe sleep, how to handle extended infant crying and guidelines for transporting your child safely. A certificate of completion and MIRegistry credit is available for those who need proof of attendance.
- Registration: https://www.canr.msu.edu/early_childhood_development/infant-safety/
- This class is eligible for MIRegistry Credit!
MI Parenting Resource
This free, online program is meant to support caregivers across the state in strengthening their parent-child relationships and gaining new tools for enhancing positive child behaviors.
- Registration: https://miparentingresource.org/
- For more information contact Courtney Aldrich at aldric82@msu.edu
Additional Resources
Michigan State University Extension has partnered with Cooperative Extension in other states to provide more resources and classes for you!
Check out Fit and Healthy Kids at https://fitandhealthykids.unl.edu/, Online Professional Development Workshops for Early Childhood Professionals.