Moving The Michigan Breastfeeding Plan Forward

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is excited about the official release of The Michigan Breastfeeding Plan: Strategies to Advance Breastfeeding 2021 – 2024.  Thank you again to everyone who participated in this process through our statewide survey, public comment period, and internal workgroup. MDHHS is committed to increasing breastfeeding initiation, duration and closing the breastfeeding disparity between Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) families and White families. MDHHS recognizes the root cause of breastfeeding disparities is systemic racism, and centers systemic racism as a driver for breastfeeding inequities. 

MDHHS would like to collaborate with partners and communities to begin putting the Michigan Breastfeeding Plan to into action and forming a work group to do so.  If you are interested in participating in a work group dedicated to moving the Michigan Breastfeeding Plan forward or would like to be involved in another way please contact the State of Michigan Breastfeeding Coordinator: Shatoria Townsend. The title of the workgroup will be decided on by its participating members. Please feel free to pass this email to your colleagues and community members that would be interested in learning more. We will begin scheduling meetings after April 2, 2021. If you would like to be involved please contact the State of Michigan Breastfeeding Coordinator by this date to ensure you are included in the initial meetings.