Saving Lives First Aid & CPR Upcoming Classes for Families and Providers

Saving Lives First Aid & CPR offers many classes for HeartSaver Pediatric Total, which includes First Aid, CPR and AED in Pinckney.

Upcoming Dates (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.):

Location: Christian House of Prayer, 9949 McGregor Rd., Pinckney

Cost: $75 per person. Cost includes: AHA Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Ecard, updated training on MiRegistry (for childcare professionals), and the latest Heartsaver student book.

There also are pre-employment classes online for $10 per person. You can find these here: Distance Learning

Options include:

Register and find more upcoming trainings here.

Saving Lives First Aid & CPR specializes in providing essential training for the entire community. The AHA Heartsaver course is designed for anyone who has a duty to respond to illnesses and injuries in adults, children or infants in the first few moments of an emergency until professional help arrives.