Third Hand Smoke: What is it and what can I do?

Watch the new webinar!

Presenters: Joni Detwiler, MSW, Public Health Consultant, MDHHS Maternal Infant Health Program; Carolyn Chaudhary, MPH, Consulting Contractor, MDHHS Tobacco Section; and Patti Kelly, MPH, LMSW, Infant Safe Sleep Program Consultant, MDHHS Infant Safe Sleep Program

Description: The negative health effects of smoking and second-hand smoke (SHS) are well established; however, third-hand smoke exposure (THS) is an emerging area of concern, especially for families with young children. Efforts to reduce active smoking and SHS exposure have been ongoing, but THS exposure, which is invisible, is not always addressed. This webinar will address THS components and the pollutants that remain on surfaces after tobacco is used. It will share tobacco exposure data from Michigan’s Maternal Infant Health Program and explore how THS exposure occurs. Specific chemicals in cigarettes and vape devices will be identified; effects on an infant’s sleep environment will be discussed and possible ways to mitigate exposure will be offered. An infographic for families will be introduced with suggestions on how professionals can speak with families on this emerging issue.
