Great Start Livingston – To receive information about upcoming FREE/Low-Cost supports, services, and activities in Livingston County for parents & families: Head to the Livingston County libraries! There are many FREE, FUN activities for children and families. You can attend any library activities, not just the county you live in. Sign-up...
Great Start Livingston – Social Emotional Resources Below are some resources and activities which will help you support your child’s social-emotional development as they prepare for kindergarten: MI Kids Matter – Social Emotional Development Milestones for Children ages 3-5  Fact Sheet – Social Emotional Health of Children Birth to...
Community Mental Health Community Mental Health provides therapy and psychiatric services for children, youth, and families. Livingston Catholic Charities Livingston County Catholic Charities Mental Health Counseling Program is designed to provide you with valuable tools and to help you find the energy and strength to solve the issues you...