Communication is a necessary part of life. Use these resources to help develop communication skills with your child(ren). Resources from MSU Extension PBS Kids Early On Michigan If you are worried that your child is not reaching milestones compared to other children of the same age, it might be...
Are you meeting Santa soon? You might find this communication board and social story helpful! Find more social stories for the holidays here
Communication is a necessary part of life. Use these resources to help develop communication skills with your child(ren). Resources from MSU Extension PBS Kids
From State Representative, 42nd District, Ann Bollin’s May Newsletter: Michigan children who use American Sign Language to communicate do not currently have access to many of the resources available to their peers. There is no system to help families track a child’s language benchmarks in ASL and no ASL...
Communication is a necessary part of life. Use these resources to help develop communication skills with your child(ren). Resources from MSU Extension The three T’s of communication: Tuning in to your child Talking more with your child Taking turns with your child Language development to support communication Part 1:...