Communication is a necessary part of life. Use these resources to help develop communication skills with your child(ren). Resources from MSU Extension PBS Kids Early On Michigan If you are worried that your child is not reaching milestones compared to other children of the same age, it might be...
1. Keep Desired Objects Out of Reach By keeping desired toys or food out of your child’s reach, you are creating a way for your child to communicate with you. This interaction could look like your child using eye contact, pointing, reaching, using sign language, or a verbal request. ...
Community events/ Education/ Events/ Language/ Literacy/ Parent Education/ Parent Resources/ Reading/ Summer
It is time for Summer Reading Programs and activities! Summer Reading Programs are easy, fun and for all ages! All of our county libraries have fun events planned this summer. The libraries provide free/low-cost activities for children and families. Summer Reading programs encourage children to read and help develop...
The preschool years are a crucial period in children’s language development. Using a picture board of common images and items at home is a great way to facilitate vocabulary growth and communication. It’s just one way you can help your child thrive from home. Helping preschoolers overcome difficulties with...