Help With Behavior Challenges with My Child

Help with reducing challenging behavior 

  • Scroll to click on “Backpack Connection” in Related Resources for parent tip sheets

Tips for helping with specific behavior issues

MSU Extension – Click on the following to understand why children might misbehave and how to effectively respond: 

Talk with your child’s pediatrician. It’s always important to talk about your concerns with your child’s pediatrician.

Find child therapists and programs to help in our Social-Emotional Resource Guide.

FREE Parent Coaching

If you’re struggling with your child, all Livingston County families are eligible to receive free parent coaching from Livingston Educational Service Agency and

Build A Support Network and Join the Great Start Family Coalition

The Great Start Family Coalition supports efforts to engage, empower and recruit parent leaders. Check out a monthly Family Coalition Meeting for a night out to learn about community resources while receiving free food and childcare.