Reducing Parent Stress and Burn Out

Parental burnout is a common occurrence, especially in families with young children. Here are some tips to cope from Healthline:

  • Speak with your partner/co-parent or a friend
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Exercise
  • Rest, if and when you can
  • Be patient with yourself
  • Practice self-care


Mental Health Care

In need of professional help? Consult this list of mental health resources for Livingston County residents.

MSU Extension

Variety of programming from mindfulness workshops to anger management.

FREE Parent Coaching

If you’re struggling with your child, all Livingston County families are eligible to receive free parent coaching from Livingston Educational Service Agency and

Build A Support Network and Join the Great Start Family Coalition

The Great Start Family Coalition supports efforts to engage, empower and recruit parent leaders. Check out a monthly Family Coalition Meeting for a night out to learn about community resources while receiving free food and childcare.